On Tuesday I finally got paid for last months work. Its not the date of the pay that was the problem, I always knew I would be back for over a month before pay came in. The problem is, once I got paid I decided that I needed some food. Ok I admit, I was mostly after more coffee, which I had managed to stretch out until the day before. So I toddled off, with my happy little face on, down to the local potraviny. Now this Potaviny is basically a small store that is run out of the garage of a local elderly couple. Usually it is quite nice to go there, they have a few shelves filled with things, and you have to stand on one side of a counter and use slovak to tell the lady what you want.. On Tuesday I was extremely pleased with myself, I managed to order Bacon, Eggs, coffee, sugar, coca cola and milk Using my slovak.... But then disaster, the total come. 15 euro for the lot. I was stunned. Who is this lady? is she really a nice old lady or some sort theif.. Looking at the top of the coffee jar I found the reason for my high bill. The Coffee, it had cost 9 euro's on its own. This coffee was only 200g worth, not like i was buying gold coffee either, just regular Jacob's.. or YYYAAACCCKKKUUUBBBSS *lots of flem* if you are in slovakia. When I looked up the lady had a balaclava on. I knew it I though, Ive been robbed.. Awkwardly I moved backwards out of the store, the Icy Gaze of over 100 years practice following me out, daring me to say a word. That gaze still haunts me now, so much so that I am slightly scared to mention anything about it now. My only comfort is that im sure the potraviny lady doesnt know my name, nor have internet connection herself.
All the way home I wore my sad face, unhappy that the coffee had cost me so much.. Just to put this all in perspective, I have been managing to do a weeks shopping each week for the past few weeks for only 15 - 20 euro a week. So to spend 15 euro on so few things.. I am sure I was robbed...
The Coffee:
Sad Face :(
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