Saturday, October 3, 2009

Crazy Week!!

Well its been such a crazy and intense week that I havent been able to take a moment to write anything here until now. Ive barely even had a moment to think about myself.
So what happened? well just some stuff at school, It all hit as a whirlwind and the changes took effect so quickly that when it happened we were all taken off guard. Unfortunately the changes occured as there were some staff issues that had to be resolved. For me it has meant an increase in my lessons to 25 a week. Which means pretty busy days from now on, I now teach: English, Math, Social Studies, Computers, and grade 1, as well as having to supervise the library lesson (I dont put this as a lesson really taught, though with the walk to the library it becomes more of a lesson in discipline for the kids :D). I also teach 5 lessons a week of Intensive English for the grade 1 and 2 students.
Even with all these changes, I am happy, as It means I get to spend a lot of time with children that I already know and understand from working with them last year in prep, and as I am with them most of the day I am really getting to know them well.
The only downside at the moment is all the lesson preparation I have had to do to get ready for lessons. I knew it was alot, but now preparing for 5 lessons a day takes its toll. Ive already said it amongst my friends before, but Man, one thing this job has taught me over these 2 1/2 years and especially more now is that my Teachers did soo much work that I didnt even know about. It makes me feel bad when I think that most of us half the time couldnt be bothered to finish homework or even really try too hard for it. That is one of the most annoying things for me now, putting all effort in and then the kids not doing something small at home that I ask of them.. So to all my old teachers that I didnt bother to do homework for, or didnt take the homework seriously with, I am truely sorry...
Now I've got to go, Im trying to juggle this full time teaching job and studying university as well as trying to get back into my cycling to train for that race I wrote about previously.. So that means I do not have much time for anything else.
I just read Lucia's blog and I would like to say that personally I am very open to bribes, anyone want an A? just 5 million Euro thanks..

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