Saturday, July 28, 2012


Ok, so I have been a bit slack again over the last month and haven't posted anything new on here. This time I really do have a good reason for not doing so, my editor went away on holidays, which left me in the lone role of creating a magazine. Basically it meant that my workload more than doubled and I had to really work to get anything done each day. While I enjoyed the challenge of the task, I am extremely happy that my editor is now back from holiday and we are getting back to being on an even keel. I suppose the most notable thing I have done in the last few months actually happened earlier this week, with me creating a video of Craig Lowndes driving the new circuit at Sydney Motorsport Park. It's funny, because a year ago I was desperately trying to get invited to race tracks to do photography and follow my dream, and now I actually get invited to come and film one of the top drivers in Australian motorsport. Personally, this video is a milestone, a milestone of how far I have come in just one year of really hard work. In only a week the video has received over 2,500 views, which is just astounding. I couldn't be more pleased with it and I really hope I get to do more in the future. For now, sit back and enjoy, even if you are not into car racing I think it makes great footage.

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