Thursday, August 18, 2011

New Job - New Beginning

As many of you know, I started a new job earlier this week. For the forseable future I will be working as a staff writer with Street Fords, Extreme Fords, Custom Utes and Brute Utes magazine. So I will get to write about about many different cars throughout my time there. My writing tasks will be to complete one article per car per day, with each article consisting of between 1000 and 1500 words. Combined with this I also have to come up with the title and pictures used in the story. SO it is a fairly detailed job, but one that I am enjoying so far each day.
I am excited that over time I am going to learn some great lessons and all the details of how to write different styles of story and create great articles..
At the moment my biggest problem is the commute to and from work each day. Over just 4 days I have reached the conclusion that most people on the roads in the morning are boneheads. Yesterday, for example, While driving home along King Georges road, a truck entered from the left. It then tried to cut across 3 lanes of traffic to get to the outside lane. Mind you, it wasn't just an ordinary lane cut, it was during PEAK HOUR! Well, he nearly took the front of my car off, and not content with this, he nearly drove into the side of the car next to me. It was just sheer stupidity! And this just isnt a localised incident. It happens all the time.
This morning I merged onto the highway behind a camry, suddenly he was on the brakes. SO I pulled out and drove past him, to find he had 100 METRES! of room in front of him!! 100 METRES!!! Like what the?? seriously??
I am beginning to seriously believe these drivers should be shot, their licences taken and confined to public transport. Preferably trains, so no-one has to see them..

While I am on the topic of annoying car things, Take a look at the destruction Kayne (Im told pronounced Kan yay not Kane, who knew?) West and and Jay-Z, where for their new music video they took an $850,000 maybach and proceed to destroy it. WHO THE HELL GAVE THEM THE BUDGET TO DO THIS?? what a complete and utter waste.
Wanna be impressive? take $850,000, go to africa or somewhere and use it to proactively increase the quality of peoples lives! film that and turn it into a music video sure, THAT would be impressive!
check it out.

Anyway until tomorrow.
Enjoy life.

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