Tuesday, August 30, 2011

100 Posts

SO this is my 100th post in this blog, its taken over 4 years to reach this point, which really gives me an average of one post every two weeks. Quite little really, but everytime I start to get motivated about doing this again, something gets in the way and then I stop. Now, since I dont have a topic to really write about right now, I thought I would just do a recap of life over the last 4 years.
So I finished High School, generally alright marks, but no-where near what I could really do, procrastination really got in the way with that one. (still does with many things, but who's complaining?). Then I moved to Slovakia for my Youth Year of Service with a great School in Slovakia. After this year, where I learnt a lot about myself and fell in love with a country and its people, I returned to Australia to take a job in Brisbane as a Apprentice Draftsman. Well, that didn't fulfil me like I thought it would, so after a few months I returned to my "hometown" and I use that term lightly after living in so many different places growing up. There I worked for a few months as a service station attendant as I saved the money to return to the place I truely desired to be. Finally, In June I boarded a plane back to Slovakia, where I took up a Assistant teacher post, after a year this became a full teaching role, which quickly became a Head Teacher role. It was a time of development in my life that I would never give up or change at all. The amount of things I learnt, from the people around me and myself have shaped me in ways I never thought possible. Yet, still the fondest memory is the amount I was taught by my Grade 1 students as I was teaching them. It is amazing how a six year old can look straight into you, and know exactly what is going on, what you are thinking and how you feel, even if they dont know it yet.
Finally I managed to secure the role of Librarian, a job I had desired for some time and knew I would do well at. Doing well at it I was, (like yoda there) I even had some custom T-shirts designed and printed by an expert shirt maker for the occasion. At this job I was excelling, but I was slowly becoming ready for something more, a new challenge and new goals.
Through circumstances this change would come upon me perhaps sooner than I was truely ready for, but come upon me it did. December 2010 saw me returning to Australia, without much of a real direction in my mind except that I wanted to end up in the journalism sector. So after a few months, where I really moped around, missing the country that I was actually becoming ready to move on from.
To try and get where I wanted I established my own photography business, focusing on motorsport photography. Into it I poured a lot of energy and effort, travelling to events all around NSW to sell my wares and myself. Eventually landing the role of race reporter with Group N, who I have reported for ever since, getting published in their magazine after each race. At the same time as this I got myself a job as a Barista in a busy coffee shop just down the street from my house.
After four months working at the coffee shop, dealing with 4:30am starts and twelve hour days, I decided to throw in the towel. It wasn't making me better and I knew I needed something more.
Enrolling in University in June it was time for me to get myself back to studying, but to help support myself I still needed to find a part time job. Somehow through constant applications I got called for an interview at a magazine, and the best part was that it was automotive. In a stroke of luck, or a confirmation that the road I had finally decided on was the right one, I managed to land the job. That brings me to the present where I have enjoyed the past two and a half weeks working as a feature writer for street fords, xtreme fords and custom utes magazines. There is much to learn, but I am sure that it will be a path that will take me where I want to go. Even if I have already had to sacrifice some things that I wanted to do in the coming months.
Of course by shortening into this form I have taken out many of the interesting stories and greatest points in life for the past few years. But every one of these words brings a different specific memory back for me, memories I will never lose. It is my story so far, and I am happy with it.

The Stats:

Cars Owned: Opel Calibra (what an ill fated adventure that still continues), Opel Omega (the most well equipped, comfortable, executive vehicle I have ever owned) 1974 Mini Van (still in the build)

Houses lived: Devin, Brisbane, Kandos, Devin, Sydney

Countries lived in: Slovakia, Australia

Jobs: Volunteer, Apprentice Draftsman, Petrol Station Attendant, Assistant Teacher, Head Teacher, Librarian, Barista, Photographer, Feature writer.

There it is, I wonder what the next 4 years will bring...
It will be a great adventure, if it is half as successful as these years, its going to be one hell of a ride.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Highway Robbery.

So today I went for a trip. Yep, thats right. On the one day I could sleep in this week, I was woken up at 6:30am, to get into the car and drive to Newcaslte to meet the Mini run. Well, being late meant we couldnt meet them at Newcastle at the planned 8am.. SO Instead, we decided to drive across Sydney to buy some mini parts I needed and then drive on to Wisemans Ferry to meet the Mini drivers.
Driving down the highway we then had to go through toll gates. Well, if you know Australian roads, we don't really have toll gates anymore, its mainly e-tags (electronic payment system linked to a bankcard and mounted in the car) to be able to pay for use of the roads. Of course, in most cases they still have one booth in operation. But it got me to thinking, only a few years ago about 20 people would have been employed to man these booths. But now, with only 1 payment booth left for each way, there is only one lone person in these.. It must be a lonely existance to be a toll collector these days. Especially as no-one really drives through the toll gates anymore.

And this got me thinking, everything has a domino effect. So that must mean that there has also been a decline in Highway Robbers. Yep, sadly long gone are the days of stickups on the highway. There is no way it could return a profit now, driving up to the booth and screaming "this is a stickup, give me all the cash" and having the operator reply, "Ive been here all day and made $4".
It doesnt even make the drive worth it. How are you even supposed to pay fuel? let alone get the gun..
I guess the only logical option means that they would choose bank robberies, which only lead to gaol. BUT at least the old booth operators could then get jobs as Prison Guards, and all would be re-united again.

Anyway, after driving through the e-tag lane, and paying the toll via card. The road was narrowed from 3 lanes to 1. This caused massive congestion and lasted about 3km. Driving at 20, along in one big line. Of course the other two lanes were behind cones so they could not be driven in.. Of course, no workers were in these lanes. No, No, that would make WAY too much sense. Instead, sitting right at the end of the closed area was a truck with a flashing arrow to show we needed to move over (2km after we had) and a big crush zone behind, just in case you drove into the back of it. YES, 3km of premium paid road, was closed, for a truck that had its own flashing lights and a crumble zone! I feel like money should be repayed! it surely is no longer a premium road if you have to pay for sitting in traffic..

Needless to say, this is the end of the highway. Both of the Highway man, the operators, and users.

It needs to be sorted out.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday August 19th

Well, first week is over at the magazine and I must say it has ended reasonably well. I have already learnt a bit about writing car articles, and found that my first articles will probably hit the stands in November. By which time I should be up to about 25 articles written so it will be interesting then.
The best part of the job is it working on the computer all day, isnt as bad as it seems. With researching time, and this includes looking at youtube or facebook, one can stay quite amused throughout the day. So there is always something to "research" in order to get inspiration for the stories.
This week In one of my articles I compared a car to its advertising campaign from 1962. Trim, Taught, Terrific being the catch cry.
See the ad here:  http://www.uniquecarsandparts.com.au/movie_popup/ford_falcon_xl.htm
yep, I applied a majority of the words used in the ad to the custom rebuild street car. I  think it has made an interesting story, and once it hits the shelves I will put it on here.

Also today while researching I found that Mr Ken Block, has created a new Gymkhana video, and this one is an epic. Again it is filmed beautifully and with a sense of humour at the end.
Check it out here:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btViXvIDsi0&feature

Well tomorrow it is off to Newcastle in the morning to join the beginning of the days Mini drive from there, through Wisemans Ferry (where a car ferry takes vehicles across the river) and finally on to Kandos to use the burnout track. Not for the Mini's to use in burnouts, but for the Kandos Street Machine club cars to put on a display. So that will be slightly interesting as always..

After that I have to do some work on my own mini. Should be interesting. Hope I can get it done soon.

Until Next time.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

New Job - New Beginning

As many of you know, I started a new job earlier this week. For the forseable future I will be working as a staff writer with Street Fords, Extreme Fords, Custom Utes and Brute Utes magazine. So I will get to write about about many different cars throughout my time there. My writing tasks will be to complete one article per car per day, with each article consisting of between 1000 and 1500 words. Combined with this I also have to come up with the title and pictures used in the story. SO it is a fairly detailed job, but one that I am enjoying so far each day.
I am excited that over time I am going to learn some great lessons and all the details of how to write different styles of story and create great articles..
At the moment my biggest problem is the commute to and from work each day. Over just 4 days I have reached the conclusion that most people on the roads in the morning are boneheads. Yesterday, for example, While driving home along King Georges road, a truck entered from the left. It then tried to cut across 3 lanes of traffic to get to the outside lane. Mind you, it wasn't just an ordinary lane cut, it was during PEAK HOUR! Well, he nearly took the front of my car off, and not content with this, he nearly drove into the side of the car next to me. It was just sheer stupidity! And this just isnt a localised incident. It happens all the time.
This morning I merged onto the highway behind a camry, suddenly he was on the brakes. SO I pulled out and drove past him, to find he had 100 METRES! of room in front of him!! 100 METRES!!! Like what the?? seriously??
I am beginning to seriously believe these drivers should be shot, their licences taken and confined to public transport. Preferably trains, so no-one has to see them..

While I am on the topic of annoying car things, Take a look at the destruction Kayne (Im told pronounced Kan yay not Kane, who knew?) West and and Jay-Z, where for their new music video they took an $850,000 maybach and proceed to destroy it. WHO THE HELL GAVE THEM THE BUDGET TO DO THIS?? what a complete and utter waste.
Wanna be impressive? take $850,000, go to africa or somewhere and use it to proactively increase the quality of peoples lives! film that and turn it into a music video sure, THAT would be impressive!
check it out.


Anyway until tomorrow.
Enjoy life.