Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Traditions, don't transfer!

So I had a pretty good easter, as most of you would see I spent most of it out at a racetrack in Sydney photographing and writing stories about some racing that was happening there. While that was a great part of the weekend a not so great part was the way that other easter traditions that work in places dont work here.
For Example in Slovakia the tradition is to beat girls with a sort of stick, to show your affection, then you get a ribbon tied to it to show that she is happy with what happened, but if I did that here I would probably get an assault charge. In the same way that throwing a water over a girl wouldn't work like it does in Slovakia, I wouldn't get a painted egg. Perhaps a painted face, black and blue with bruising..
It makes me sad to think that in some ways we have lost these, fun? traditions in western society. Instead it is about buying your easter weekend..
For example a great ad I heard easter monday on the radio. At a food store in Sydney if you bought $20 of easter eggs, you would get a docket to allow you to get 10c a litre off your next fuel price. Now how much fuel would you need to buy to make that worthwhile?? well to save $20 you just spent on eggs you would have to buy 200L of fuel, at once... So really only truck drivers would find that deal worthwhile, and unfortunately if I am honest I think some of them really should be persuaded against taking it..
So what do we do with these easter bunnies we didn't sell?
re-wrap them as santa and wait for the end of the year!! cause thats what we did with christmas chocolate anyway :D (Video Below)

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