Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Flying Buisnessman

So many people cycle with the full cycling kit on, when it is not really necissary. I noticed this yesterday while riding my own bicycle, dressed as a buisnessman in my suit. Every person on the bicycle track i rode along was wearing the full kit, which is disturbingly revealing on some older slovaks, who are riding along at a walking pace. It is just not necissary. Sure wear the shorts, but not a tight revealing top that doesnt attach to the bottoms, i dont think they realise how much gravel rash they will get when they fall off their bike. not that falling off your bike doesnt hurt at any time, it just hurts a lot less when the rider is wearing adequate clothing..

Then again all this is coming from a man who while noticing all this was on his oen bike in a full buisness suit. I had jsut finished the day at school and had been called back to help with some extra work. Deciding that the quickest way to get back to school and cover the couple of kilometers between me and the school was to ride my bike, i jumped on it and rode back without a second thought...on my way i realised that i was wearing my suit. With no time to get back home and change i was forced to help at school then ride the few kilometers to a friends house were i had promised to meet them for a movie night. It was while riding along the bike track, receiving lots of stares off passer by's (who i am sure were confused as to why i was wearing a full suit on a racing bicycle) that i made this discovery.
Im not at the height of fitness (i havent ridden properly training in a long while) but i was going around these people like they were foals and i a full grown stallion, it was unbelievable. what was also amazing was that no one on that path could ride in a straight line. So here all these cyclists were in their full kit being made to look silly by a buisness suit tornado.
On any other day i would have felt like a right twat but on that day the effect was lessond due to the riding "style" of all these people...
that was, of course, until i got away from all the other riders, and was alone on the roads through town.........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

geezzz dan, sounds like you've had a grumpy day...first you give the tour a serve...somewhat deserved admittedly...but what about cadel evens....they say hes' the cleanest guy in the race and he got second! then chubby old slovaks get a beating!!!! good thing you can't see your poor, chubby old mum on your training bike...goodness knows what you'd say about her wobbling along....he he he...
luv u.....mum