One such incident is the now fabled, toilet incident. This weekend a dance group from the Townsend international school has come to Bratislava to perform, two of the boys are staying at my house. Unfortanetly one of the boys went to the toilet last night, and needless to say the toilet did not flush properly, it would appear that it is blocked. rather well... So today when the dancegroup visited the school all the students had a merry old time having the story of Mr. Daniel's toilet... needless to say i dont think i will have heard the end of this story for a long time, i am sure the children here will keep brining it up.. Oh the woes of having a toilet that does not work.
School has been quite busy this week, we have had many teachers off on an excursion, or sick,, so i have taken a few classes on my own, including one maths class with the high schoolers, this was a lot of fun and i actually enjoyed teaching the children maths, that my friends is very weird.. But mostly this week i have been putting books onto the school library system, cataloging books.. this has been alright, and so far i have done around 5 or 6 hundred books, i am not exactly sure, but i have broken the back of the work so to speak and am on the home stretch now, it will be good when it is all done as the books will be numbered so that makes it much easier for the borrowing of the books for children, you just need to write a number into the computer.... boy dont i feel like the little librarian.. hehehe.........
In other news i have been back on my bike properly of late, training seriously again, its great, i feel much better and a happier person because of it, sure i feel a bit tired in the legs alot of the time but hey, that is what comes with training isnt it?,,, i havent really been out on the road for a proper ride yet, but that is something i have planned for this weekend, i really want to get out onto the road again, and i think now i am finally fit enough and ready enough for it to happen... so this weekend look out slovak roads,, there is an Aussie on the loose.....
Why is this country so cold? it is a question i have been asking myself a lot lately, everyone here is happy that we are coming into summer soon, its spring now and so the hotter weather is on its way, WRONG,, it is still freezing cold here for me, i dont get it, i think here has a different type of heat, and they get cool breezes, this is the problem, i am used to heat, and hot winds, here you never actually feel what the real temperature is as there is always a nice cooling breeze... i am also thinking i bet it would be my luck that i am here for the hottest winter for 1000 years (this was still much to cold for me thankyou very much) but i will be here for the coldest winter for 1000 years,, if it snows, i will not be a very happy Australian, no i will be a cold, blue Aussie.....
From my time here i have noticed a few things, i find the most interesting thing to note is how english speakers adapt how they speak when they are overseas. we do three things to try and make whoever we are talking to understand us these are; 1) speak very slowly and clearly, with actions. like we are talking to a small child, like they need the actions..... 2) no matter where we are in the world if we put on a very bad french accent,, spending most of our time saying excusie,, excusie... 3) if the actions and the french doesnt work we just get frustrated and scream at the other person, like this will help them to understand..... what it must be like to be one of these people who doesnt speak english we shall never know, but i know what it feels like, i have been here and had to ask people things... sometimes you will ask somone somthing, and without actions or the help of bad french accent i might add... and the person will just say somthing to you and the people they are with all burst into fits of laugher,,, this seems a bit weird to me, i mean isnt an insult only funny if you say it to a person and they can understand you,, its like tying somones hands behind their back and then having a fist fight with them, it isnt somthing you can brag about how good you where is it?
Anyway it is time for this rant to end, my coffee is cold, Why does coffee never stay warm for the duration of you drinking, i think we need to invent a cup with a warmer in the bottom or never go cold water,, now that would be good, then we could all have warm/hot coffee all the time,,, hmmm,,, i think there is a market there.....
well off to get more coffee then lunch
Keep safe,
Drink good coffee
Spend time with friends
Laugh Alot
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