Thursday, June 16, 2011

Dream Shower

Yesterday while walking in Bunnings I saw some amazing shower heads. Of which I have enclosed a picture below, they were massive and I was thinking how good it would be to stand under them for a shower.

As I was doing my shower dance like a lunatic in the aisle, A thought suddenly dawned across my mind. Imagine if you replaced all the tiles in your shower walls and ceiling with these shower heads! It would make the most amazing, warm, cleansing shower I could imagine. I know I would never want to get out, and would probably risk drowning or flooding the house with it if I didn't make the whole floor as a massive drain. As well as this I admit it would be probably quite wasteful of water, BUT if you made the drain feed into a cleaning tank to reuse the water, then perhaps you could save yourself! :)... 
Imagine it, wouldn't a shower like that be amazing?
Admit it, you're jealous I had this idea first... 

Now if only I could turn it into a reality. 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

New Airline

After watching the news today, all about how airlines now cannot fly to NZ or Melbourne due to an Ash cloud from Chile, I decided it would be a good idea to make up a new airline. See some airlines are incredibly dangerous yet they still get to fly, and use a slogan to make it seem they are not so bad. I want to see how many people would fly with an airline that has a true to life name.
Therefore My airline:

DGB Air: Hitting the ground running.

To be honest I think the airline will Take-off.. ha ha ha...